Baccalaureate Academy
Baccalaureate Academy has got some of the finest IB English tutors for Language and Literature course. Many of our IB English Language and Literature tutors are working at some of the prestigious IB schools. The English language is an international language that is spoken across the world. There are about 1.132 billion English speakers in the world which makes it the highest spoken language in the world. English language speakers are found in all the countries and the language is recognized by the people of all the countries. It is necessary to learn English in order to communicate with people in any part of the world. The influence of English is such that the style is or the way of expression is developed differently in different continents. Native speakers are the people who have learned and used English from their early childhood whereas non-native speakers of English are the people whose regional/local language or mother tongue is not English.
The importance of the English language cannot be ignored as it has become a necessary language to communicate with the people of any part of the world, in short, it is a universal language. Non-native speakers of English usually find English Grammar as difficult because they do not learn and use English from their early childhood. But, the internationally recognized organizations and universities demand English. It was discovered that the non-native speakers of English find it difficult to clear English baccalaureate, so Baccalaureate Academy has set up IB English Tutor to teach and train the English language for the aspiring candidates for the internationally recognized universities.
Every IB English Tutor at Baccalaureate academy has taught this subject at many international schools in India and abroad. The program is unique and is designed with deep research and implemented in a systematic and planned manner. Our each IB English Tutor is available both online and offline mode. The teaching and training sessions are carried out with the utmost care by regularly monitoring the progress of all the candidates along with the regular counseling session. The teaching style is flexible to the learners which are more interactive in nature as we believe that for learning, the learner has to interact and grasp as much as the knowledge he can. We always try to improve the learning experience of the learner by adapting the teaching style by integrating the latest tools and technologies available. Our main motto of the Tutor program is to spread more and more knowledge to the world and help potential aspiring candidates to fulfill their dream of securing admission in the internationally recognized universities.
We provide one to one IB English tutoring for the International Baccalaureate Diploma students. IB English Tutor classes are fantastic, we do not say, all our learners say. They say that they feel the difference in the knowledge of the English language after a few weeks of joining the Tutor. And this keeps us motivating and brings more energy to spread knowledge without hesitation. Before joining, most of the non-native speakers of English are with low confidence and hesitate to explore but we focus to change their mindset and encourage them to learn deeply irrespective of the level of the knowledge in English. Our course has been systematically designed and the outcome is that students gain depth knowledge of the subject, can fluently speak English, can easily construct compound sentences without grammar errors, know the difference between English spoken in different regions, knowledge of traditional English, can face any kind of international level examinations.
To make the sessions of IB English tuition successful, we have a team of certified, talented and experienced faculty in the field of IB education. They are chosen by the group of experts and undergo a rigorous training before they are authorized to teach on our tutor program. During the tutor session, they ensure that every student is understanding the concept thoroughly and are always ready to clear the doubts. No matter which is your mother tongue, learning the English language is funny and joyful if the syllabus and classes are well planned. Since the learning process also takes time our faculties ensure that the time invested by you in learning on our platform does not go vain. In this competitive world, time wastage has not accepted the characteristics of the winner is to work hard, attitude to learn, adapt and conquer the world of knowledge and transfer the knowledge to the coming generation as a part of the responsibility.