
Baccalaureate Academy


The IB Primary Years Programme (PYP) for children aged 3 – 12 fosters and develops young students as caring, active participants in a lifelong journey of learning.

Through its query-led, trans-disciplinary framework, the PYP summons students to think for themselves and take responsibility for their learning as they explore local and global issues and opportunities in real-life contexts.

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The PYP curriculum

Taught in over 109 countries around the world, the PYP curriculum framework is uniquely adaptable to state and national standards. Guided by six cross-disciplinary subjects of worldwide gravity, students intensify their learning by evolving their theoretical understandings; bolstering their knowledge and skills across and beyond subject areas.

Learn more about the PYP curriculum

Who is the PYP for?

As long as a school has been authorized to implement the programme, the PYP is open to any student aged 3 to 12.

What are the advantages of the PYP?

The PYP is a transformative experience for students, teachers and whole school communities. PYP students learn how to take control of their learning, teachers collaborate to deepen student- learning and increase their confidence and self-motivation. The whole school community, including parents, are viewed as partners in learning, and actively contribute to a holistic educational experience.



The Primary Years Programme (PYP) confers schools with a comprehensive plan for high quality, international education.

It provides schools with a syllabus substructure of essential elements — the knowledge, concepts, skills, attitudes, and action that young students need to equip them for successful lives, both now and in the future.

Schools work with the five elements to construct a rigorous and challenging primary curriculum for international education.

The PYP aims to create a curriculum that is engaging, relevant, challenging and significant for learners in the 3–12 age range. The curriculum is transdisciplinary, meaning that it focuses on issues that go across subject areas.

The PYP is organized according to:

The taught curriculum, which sets out how educators teach the PYP

The PYP aims to create a curriculum that is engaging, relevant, challenging and significant for learners in the 3–12 age range. The curriculum is transdisciplinary, meaning that it focuses on issues that go across subject areas.

The written curriculum, which explains what PYP students must learn



Addresses students’ academic needs and their social and emotional well-being

Encourages students to develop independence and to take responsIBility for their own learning

Supports students’ effort to gain an understanding of the world and to function effectively within it

Helps students to establish personal values as a foundation on which international-mindedness will flourish.

The written curriculum, outlined below, is made up of five essential elements and details what students will learn.

Essential elements in the PYP

The five essential elements of the PYP are:

Knowledge, which is both disciplinary, represented by traditional subject areas (language, maths, science, social studies, arts, PSPE) and transdisciplinary

Skills, which are the broad capabilities students develop and apply during learning and in life beyond the classroom

Concepts, which students explore through structured inquiry in order to develop coherent, in-depth understanding, and which have relevance both within and beyond subject areas

Action, which is an expectation in the PYP that successful inquiry leads to responsible, thoughtful and appropriate action. In order to implement the PYP, schools must have begun the process of becoming an IB World School.

Attitudes, which contributed to international-mindedness and the wellbeing of individuals and learning communities, and connect directly to the IB learner profile